Thursday, November 6, 2008

Google Affiliate Program Advertising

A Google program fluctuates wildly in its revenue. It is not a good primary business but an excellent secondary income stream. Google should be piggy-backed on a strong traffic reseller and form-based affiliate business. User clicks are too random to be a reliable income stream. Google is an excellent “gravy” program because it feeds irectly from the traffic your website already generates. Google clicks can be a “by- product” of an already operating business and it costs you nothing to try. We have all heard rumors of people making $15,000 per day from Google clicks. Google income is a “random walk”. It moves in a random pattern if graphed on a chart. This is not good as a primary source of income. Google also pays only if your performance meets certain requirements. This is another limitation that has to be overcome. But we have engineered a methodology to blend all of the characteristics of Google with the strengths of other
programs. Google can supply you with yet another check in the mail for a single business. Google ads require no additional maintenance, so once they are embedded in your website, you need not bother them again. If you blend Google, Information Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Traffic reselling into one business. It would look like the diagram below. The coolest part of this theory is that it really is all the same business. We would suggest an income pyramid like the following:

Now let’s recap how all this works together. You can build and test market your information products and sell them immediately on E-bay. This is one new income pathway. Products that sell well on E-bay could be moved to their own website and again (same product) sold as another information product. As an independent product it could sell for more than 10 times what it sold for on E-bay. Information products have the ability to bring in amounts as high as $1000 per item. Information products and E-bay form the base of the pyramid because their income potential could easily replace your job, and sales can be regular and dependable. These two items are not traffic dependent as much as they are “interest” dependent. Their sales will rely on your reputation on E- bay and on other forms of communication.

Affiliate sales and being a traffic reseller can be a very high revenue business but it is dependent of internet traffic which is random. At $100 per completed form this is dynamite, but the random element of internet traffic makes it a better secondary income stream than a primary one. You can strategically place your website; you can optimize it for Google and Yahoo, and have moderate success. Your expectations should be linked to your traffic optimization capability and site mapping. You need to also be conscious of the fact that each affiliate program pays differently. Some sales you make this month may not be available for 30-40 days later.

Finally you should consider your Google Adsense business. Google revenue can vary wildly. It is an excellent “gravy” business. Now let’s review this pyramid in action and take a look at its results. The data below is actual financial data from an information products marketer.

Marketer X (Month of November)

Information Products: $9900

Commission Junction Revenue: $1700

E-Bay: $1100

Google Adsense: $900

This marketer spends about 5-10 hours working his business per week! He is truly
making money when he goes to bed at night. The information products are the base of his

pyramid. They sell on average at a price of $75-$200 per item. He holds down a regular job like most other people, and keeps his job for the insurance purposes of his family. The same products sold on his websites are sold on E-bay, no difference except E-bay requires a cheaper price. He has a store that links the products to his website, encouraging yet more sales. You can see how all this works together, the business forms a fully optimized cocoon that makes money at each level. His total income of $13,600 is a hefty haul for setting up his businesses. The coolest thing of course is that he does minimal actions between collecting his checks. He is selling the same products in two different environments. He is selling space on his websites to the affiliate programs. He is selling clicks off his website to Google. He is selling traffic to and from his website through traffic reselling. All of these items are things he already has!