Thursday, November 6, 2008

On-line Travel Agent

Working as an on-line travel agent can be very profitable and low maintenance. You can purchase travel agent code from You can visit various websites to obtain an already setup travel agent system on-line. Some websites that offer this service are and
An optimal way to utilize this tool is to create a community in a brick-and-mortar environment and direct them to utilize your on-line travel tool. Travel tools are great if used in a niche environment. Some cool groups to utilize this niche approach could be groups broken down by:

1. Age

2. Ethnicity

3. National Origin

4. Athletic Interest

5. Social Interest

6. Financial Interest

Great commissions have been garnered through sales commissions on travel for
many years. The on-line version of this simply takes advantage of traffic, niche
optimizations and other sales strata. Please note that developing a customer list gives you
sales repeatability, and again the 80/20 principle applies. It pays to encourage customers
to write you back and ask questions. Engage your customers, take to time to look at
special requests, and make the sale! Let’s recap. Look at niches, totally automated

solutions, and develop a strong customer list with engaged clients. All of this can be done on-line with minimal effort. Making money while you sleep has never been easier!