Wednesday, November 5, 2008


How do you make money? How do you not let money use you? Well let’s take the first question? How do you make money? Here are some easy ways:

1) Job
2) Start a business
3) Inherit money
4) Lottery / Gamble
5) Crime

As odd as it sounds, all above are viable ways to make money. Most of the population makes money via a job. We work for others. This is a familiar, respectable and time honored approach to supporting yourself. The only problem is sometimes you end up jobless, defeated, and angry. Welcome to the rat race!

Starting a business sounds nice. Become the boss with all the neat stuff like suits, executive offices, and lavish lifestyle. This sounds great as long as you are successful, and you assume ALL the risk. We touched on this before. Mentally you need to prepare to go through the fire of being an entrepreneur if you have never done this before.

Inheritance is great. You just need someone rich to die and leave it to us. This is not likely and nonrenewable. The money is always running out if you don’t make more.

The lottery is simply NOT going to happen. Gambling is just plain stupid. Casinos don’t build 75 million dollar fountains with the money they lost to patrons.

The constants in making money are preparation, preservation and perspiration. The preparation is what we’ll call the money trap. Preparation centers around the business construct, the marketing action and the follow-through. Efficiency is of the utmost importance. Preservation means that your business must preserve its value. Value embedded as hard assets, or financial instruments have long been used for value preservation. Preservation of value is re-investment. Re-investment is business building.

Perspiration is the undeniable cost of owning and running a business. Most of the fantasies about running and owning your own business fade when the self-employed realize that when they don’t work, they don’t eat. This is the hard work that nobody likes to talk about. Successful owners are diligent, disciplined and focused people. They work weekends, holidays, and virtually everyday.

Most business has entry barriers, the minimum cost of investment. With the age of computers has come new businesses like internet marketing, desktop businesses, and other digital businesses. It is critical that entrepreneurs take advantage of automation. Few business forms don’t involve interaction, high entry barriers (big investments to start) and other difficulties. MOST traditional brick-and-mortar businesses involve the investment of thousands of dollars, often with no business training or mentoring in the field of business. An excellent business is one that fits the following description:

1) Low or no investment
2) Requires little/low time investment
3) Requires few/no employees
4) Provides a RENEWABLE source of income
5) Services are FAVORED over goods, as services are infinitely renewable, products reach a sales maturity level and decline

Below are some examples of desktop businesses you can use at home to make money:

· Resume writing
· E-bay
· Internet Information Marketing